Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Your Government and You

It says that?! REALLY?!

This passage isn't new to me, but I just read it with fresh eyes.

Romans 13:1 - 2 -- Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

1 comment:

Darin Martin said...

Follow me on this one.

It's the year 1776. The American Colonies are in turmoil, and have been for ten years or more, unhappy with the way the British government is handling affairs on this side of the pond. With the knowledge of Romans 13: 1 and 2, think about the implications.

If we take this passage at face value only, we come to the realization quickly that the rebel colonies were "rebelling against what God has instituted."

So did they bring judgment on themselves, as the passage promises, and when? Has that judgment happened yet, or is it still to come in the future? Is judgment only for those who did the actual rebelling, or is it also for those who come after, those living in the new society that the original rebels instituted?

And how far back can we take this passage? There were many different governments on the British Isles before our revolution -- the Hanoverians (of which line was George III, against whom we rebelled) took it from the Stuarts, who took it from the Tudors, etc. So which one was the "approved" government?

Paul was writing to Christians in Rome, the capital of the Empire. It was still relatively early in the Pax Romana, around A.D. 58. Nero was Emperor of Rome, the last of the Julio-Claudian Emperors. In his line before him were Augustus (grand-nephew of Julius Caesar), Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. Knowing what we know about a couple of these guys (not to mention the ones who came after), I can imagine some Christians in Rome having much the same reaction that I did – “REALLY?! Instituted by God?!” Now remember every other evil government you have learned about, and maybe you're left with a headache.

I’m left with this: Practically, I can’t worry about whether the government I’m under is “right” or “wrong.” God said government authorities are instituted by him, so I have to believe that, no matter what they’re like. My responsibility is to live for Christ, no matter who’s in charge.